Mark your calendars Christmas in Harwich is December 6-8, 2024
Come and stay for the weekend there is so much happening throughout Harwich
Friday December 6th–
This year Our Caroling & Annual Tree Lighting – We will be Celebrating something Special-
It is the 20th Anniversary of the first Tree Lighting started by Jeannie & John Wheeler
Our Sponsors- Pilgrim Masonic Lodge

Harwich Port Stroll 5:30pm-8:30pm
This year we are joined by our Special Honorary Tree Lighting Ambassadors – Jeannie & John Wheeler
5:30 Annual Tree Lighting and Caroling in Doane Park with the Harwich Elementary School Chorus, Pilgrim Masonic Lodge and Pilgrim Congregational Church. Come and enjoy as we celebrate the holiday season together with some very special moments.
5:30 – 8:30 Christmas Stroll – Families, Children and all will stroll through the shops, church and art galleries for specials and holiday fun.
5:30 – 8:30 Homeless for the Holidays – Harwich Fire & Police In Front of the Harwich Chamber collecting toys, food, and cash/gift cards
6:15 Santa’s Arrival to the Harwich Chamber of Commerce Porch via Harwich Fire Truck.
6:15 – 8 pm Visit with Santa – Outside Information Center
6:15-8:00pm Come inside the Harwich Chamber Information Center for some goodies and Bid or buy a Raffle ticket on our Festival of trees- All proceeds with be split between The Family Pantry & The People’s Fridge of Harwich
6 – 8 pm Harwich Town Band Concert – TD Bank
5:30 – 8:30 Nativity Scenes Display and live piano music in the sanctuary of Pilgrim Congregational Church. Then enter into
In Monbleau Hall for the Cafe’ serving burger, hot dogs, french fries and drinks. Annual Cookie Sale, individual or by the bag. Handmade Crafts. Extra Special is the Children’s Christmas Shoppe where children will be able to shop and wrap small gifts for 50 cents each. Let’s not forget the Children’s Cookie Decorating Table – frost a cookie and decorate it with sprinkles eat while you stroll or take it home.
The Tradition continues at 6:00pm The Seven Trees for Seven Villages – Trees will light up in each of our Seven Village
Saturday December 7th
East Harwich
11:00am-2:00pm- Mrs. Clause Cookie Decorating at Harwich Paint & Decorating
11:00am-1:00pm- Meet Santa and his Elf – Come write him a letter at Hinckley Home Center
12noon- 2:00pm- Danny Drake and Friend – Jugglers & Stilt Walkers throughout Harwich Paint & Decorating & Terry’s TV & Appliances…
we may even see them at Meservey’s Rt. 137 Shell
11:00am- 4:00pm- Merry Market at the Wequassett Resort & Golf Club
The Harwich Chamber, Wequassett Resort and Eastward Ho welcome the community to our 2nd annual
5:00pm- 7:00pm- Caroling by the Monomoy Middle Performance Chorus, Tree lighting and a Visit by Santa, then at 5:30pm- come and watch the Fireworks over Pleasant Bay – We highly recommend the Shuttles provided from 3pm-7pm Please park at the CC Lighthouse Charter School you will be then taking to the Wequassett to enjoy the holiday festivities. ALL ARE WELCOME

Harwich Center
9:00am-11:00am- The Garden Club of Harwich Presents “Holday Boutique” at the Harwich Community Center– Homemade Fresh Evergreen Wreaths, Holiday Sweets, Holiday Centerpieces & Decorations, Hand crafted Gifts and White Elephant Table.
10am-4:00pm- Holiday Market-204 Sisson Road- Join the 204 for its’ Annual Holiday Market & Open Studios. Shop and visit with over 50 creatives & artists while enjoying music and other activities. Swag bags for the first 100 kids!
3:00pm-4:00pm- Annual Christmas Concert at the First Congregational Church. The First Church Choir, with Harwich Women’s Chorus members and instrumentalists. Harwich Brass Quintet and Clarinet Quartet.
West Harwich
2:00pm- 5:00pm Cookies with Santa at The Platinum Pebble Boutique Inn- Join for the annual event with Santa Clause. Take your photo with Santa and enjoy delicious homemade cookies.
Sunday- December 8th
Pajama’s and Breakfast with Mrs. Clause at the Wequassett Resort
2:00pm-4:00pm Holiday Event –Pilgrim Congregational Church Featuring “The Sound Dunes” for tickets