2019 Festival of Trees December 6th & 7th This year’s Festival of Trees Fundraiser for the Family Pantry of Cape Cod has three locations to view and bid on the Silent Auction trees or purchase raffle tickets..In Harwich Port: White Flowers and the Harwich Chamber of Commerce (enter through the front door on the Route […]
Shop Small..Shop Local..Shop Harwich
Join us as we Support Shop Small Shop Local and Celebrate 10 years with American Express Shop Small Shop Local. Come to the Harwich Chamber of Commerce from 1:00pm -3:00pm Pick up your bags and a sweet treat Small Business Saturday November 30th
Harwich Restaurant Week
Tantalize your Taste Buds Harwich Restaurant Week October 13-20,2019 Participating Harwich Restaurants 10 Yen Harwich Port 400 East Restaurant & Bar Each night dine in a different country.. Monday-Brazil-Tuesday-Mexico-Wednesday- Italy-Thursday-France Friday-Germany-Saturday-Spain- Sunday-Japan Buca’s Tuscan Roadhouse Cape Sea Grille Ember Coal Fired Pizza & Wings George’s Pizza Hot Stove Saloon $5.00 Burgers during Restaurant Week Lanyard […]